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Taiwan Changhua District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Notice of hearing

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-06-26
  • View count:4223
  1. When receiving a criminal summons from the Department, please check whether the summons is stamped with the official seal of the prosecutor and the registration clerk of the Department. If you have any doubt or you are unclear about the legal proceedings, please first check the telephone number of the handling clerk or contact the Service Center of the Department (04-8357274, ext. 322) for verification, so as to prevent fraud.
  2. The summoned shall bring his or her national identity card, criminal summons, and report to the court on time, on the date, and at the designated place as indicated on the criminal summons. Simultaneously, please check whether there is any accompanying statement in the summons (for example, any witness or physical evidence that should be brought to the court on the day of court hearing) for the convenience of court processing. After reporting to the court, please wait in the designated Investigation Room according to the bailiff’s guidance. Please enter the courtroom for the hearing when your name is called.
  3. If the defendant is absent without a proper reason, an arrest order may be issued.
  4. If a witness fails to appear without a proper reason after being legally summoned, the prosecutor may apply to the court for a decision on whether to fine the witness an amount of not more than NT $30 thousand. The same shall apply if the witness fails to appear again.
  5. When delivering any pleading to the Department, please note the case number, cause of action, and the relevant office for the case.
  6. If there is a request to investigate a witness, please come to court together with him or her or find out his or her name and address to facilitate the subpoena.
  7. Litigation cases shall be handled fairly by the Prosecutor Office. Please do not listen to the swindles of lawbreakers. If you are cheated, please report it immediately by calling 04-8323382.
  8. Please turn off mobile phones during court hearings to avoid noise, which may affect the court hearing.
  9. After the court hearing, please read the transcript carefully before signing it.
  10. At the examination, a witness may request for the regulated daily fees and travel expenses. The clerk shall provide on the spot the application form for claiming these expenses. Except for those who are arrested or refuse to sign recognizance or give testimony without a proper reason, witnesses can use the application to collect expenses at Window 5 of the Service Center of the Department, which handles the bail refunds.
  11. Anyone who suffers from any fraudulent litigation or is aware of any other corruption incident may report it to the Ethics Office (04-8360282) of the Department. The undertaking unit shall keep it strictly confidential.
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